Theory Blogs

The garden of forking paths.

The garden of forking paths by Jorge Borges (1962) creates an obscure twist to a story.

The ode to Geocities.

A space that James Dladla would have flourished in were it not for the digital devide.

Noah Wardrip-Fruin.

Noah Wardrip-Fruin's questions of the early years of hyper texting were centered around: what you can do on the screen that you can also do on paper

The medium is the message.

The era of new media, media art, or digital art has been characterized by the importance of the way we send and receive messages.

Impact of "The medium is the message"

Marshall McLuhan changes thelandscape of media, more so, mass media.

User Interface.

UI designs usually use overarching theme colour style to show different information segments on the website.

Towards information geographies

Tthe internet has been overarchingly influential in how society develops communication.


Studies have also shown that a more accessible website will attract larger audiences.

AI and algorithims racism.

In her 2019 acclaimed critique: Race After Technology: Abolitionist Tools for the New Jim Code, Ruha Benjamin critiques AI racism in the barest ways

Fama IO

A problematic technology that weeds out problematic employees..

Implicit bias In software

These biases, which encompass both favourable and unfavourable assessments, are activated involuntarily


A blog that analysise the theoretical application of my UX/UI


An investigative blog on the racial segregation of APIs